We had the opening night for the new show last night. After a less than stellar preview on Thursday, I think our actual opening went pretty damn well. This one is Episode 4 of a soap opera parody and it's been a blast to work on. I love my fellow cast mates, and not only because I've been able to get them all to make "your mom" jokes.
So now, I only have rehearsals for one show, on the nights that this play isn't up and running. I've been in a theater, till late, for what feels like every day of the last three weeks. And it won't end for while. Tiring, but it's fulfilling in a way that my real jobby job can't touch, something I don't think I can explain to the HR department.
Color In Your Cheeks by The Mountain Goats is currently breaking my heart in the best way. Said Goats are doing a free in store, late night appearance on Monday night and I'm pretty damn excited.
I'm also slowly realizing that I'm nearing the point of delirium - that sort of hazy, 'oh, fuck me', mind set that makes going to Safeway and playing a little game I like to call "scaring the normals" so much fun. It beats going to Walmart and having those patrons scare me.
It's sort of amazing how quickly I can revert to childlike behavior when I get this tired. In the last ten minutes I have said 'poop' a number of times (simply for the fun of it). I have put a purse on my head, automatically and without forethought, with the handles over my forehead like a headband. And I have put a battery back into a small timer a number of times even though I knew the shrill alarm would sound when I did.
I don't know how to end this or what to call it... man, I'm tired. Here's a map of where I live:

now i can stalk you!
wanna go to the mountain goats show together? your wife and my boyfriend can go together too... jus tlike real swingers!
oh fuck, you two again! i was going to go to that. i hate this fifth wheel shiz.
billy, it's funny you show that map cause i saw your mom on the corner of harrison and 14th last night.
Was his mom wearing a purse on her head too? I think I saw her!
Mom jokes are fun. My friend Ari has Mom-joked everyone to death and has recently decided to become a Mom-joke snob. Where not only the timing of said joke is taken into consideration, but also the quality. That and he has graduated to inferred Mom references. (Which in my opinion, kinda ruin the whole essence of the Mom joke in the first place.)
I think all of you lucky dogs who get to go with Billy to the MG show, have a specific quest: to Mom-joke the band... while they are on stage.
Game on.
nikki, are you inviting yourself AGAIN?
BWAAAAhahahahahahahah! I just got the title reference!! Nice.
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