At first I imagined a middle-aged man, not necessarily English, but maybe with an affectation of a slightly British accent. I also imagine him wearing a red velvet blazer. But on further reflection, I'm thinking maybe a tall, young woman in her twenties, plain but pretty, and still in that red velvet blazer. She would play until I got my lazy ass out of bed, at which she would say with a smile, "good morning" and leave to go wherever it is she goes. Probably to the library, I think she's doing a research paper on the long term effects of Carnuba Wax in foodstuffs.
I'm typically against the idea of servants, but if I had the money, I think I could rationalize having a French Horn player on the payroll.
It would also be awesome if I would get up early enough to lounge in the hot shower for awhile and listen to a good chunk of Dieselhed's Tales Of The Brown Dragon while I suds it up with hemp peppermint soap.

This stuff is awesome by the way.
It would also be awesome if I could stop saying "awesome" so much.
And as long as I'm wishing on more morning time, I would love it if after that shower and dressing, if I could have a nice warm breakfast and cup of coffee sitting by the kitchen window. I first thought of eggs benedict, but I'm gonna start packing on the pounds if I eat that everyday; maybe just some simple scrambled eggs with potatoes and toast.
I have a particular fondness for sitting at our little green table, at the window, and drinking coffee early in the morning. I especially appreciate this for some reason when it's cold out.
I can feel the season change coming - a little early I think. There's a darkness to the mornings that wasn't there a couple of weeks ago, a chill to the air that is just flirting with the idea going pro and becoming serious cold. I'm looking forward to the upcoming fall with that quickened beat of the heart that is reminiscent of the return of your love after being away from home for a few days.
I've realized that with the return to living with actual seasons again, there is this constant excitement with the coming of a new one; just as I start to get tired of the current season's actions, the next one comes around.
Man, I hope my French Horn player finishes her paper soon, she really seems stressed about it.
Song Stuck In My Head Right Now: Some mambo song that is in La Dolce Vita, this one’s a clinger…
glo's makes a mean eggs benedict.
I want so much money that I could do whateverthefuck I wanted every day, including never getting out of bed at all.
Such a supreme quantity of coin that I could buy an estate big enough that all my friends could do exactly the same thing that I do with me. ...well not necessarily in the same bed, as my wife might not dig that... then again, you never know until you get so much money... that you have to start building buildings just to house it all like Scrooge McDuck... huge giant swimming pools filled with coins to swim in and that wouldn't even be the "real" money storage, but rather just a place for the swimable stuff. So much money that your money actually makes you money and goes to a regular day job to bring you a regular paycheck every two weeks. And you are like "Hey thanks Mr. Dollar, I really appreciate you! Now make sure you wake up on time for work... here is a French Horn player to wake you up so you make it there on time!"
Oh and I too love your little sitting window, Bill--the place where all my gadgets recharge when I come visit you. I envy them, as they sit on the cute little green table staring out the window at the intersection all night, standing gaurd over us and blinking their little happily charging LEDs.
Shannon wants to live in a place with seasons again. But instead, we are moving to LA. Off into the smoggy blueish-grey hazy yonder... and we'll see where that takes us. One day, I will get her up to Seattle on vacation and I know she will fall in love with it like I did.
Or not.
Maybe I just love Seattle because I know I will be closer to some awesome people who are super cool and whom I miss being able to hang out with, and she actually hates said people so therefore she won't like it like I do too.
Or not.
Long live Dr. Bronner's!
Hey! We use that soap too dude!
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