Thursday, May 05, 2005

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty...

I’ve got cats on the brain today.

I can’t stop thinking about the fact that cats crawl up in the engines of parked cars to warm themselves and then get all fucked up when the car owner starts up for their morning commute. What a crappy way to start the day, with a screaming and bleeding cat flying out from underneath your car. Not such a great morning for the cat either. Of course if you really can’t stand cats, then it’s actually probably a great way to start your day. Sicko…

And the musical Cats… Seriously, dude! I’ve seen it, I’ll admit it, but this sure seems like a primo-freakin-A-number-one example of how easily people are led by the nose. How did this become a hit musical for fuck’s sake? People dressed in cat suits – CAT SUITS! – doing a fake opera for the masses about which cat will go to kitty heaven. Andrew Lloyd Webber can lick my balls.

And while sometimes our cats drive me absolutely bat shit, I gotta admit that I really dig it when one of them crawls up on me and goes to sleep. That’s super nice.

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