Friday, May 13, 2005

You Can Feel It All Over

Okay, listen. I love the song “Sir Duke” by Stevie Wonder. I LOVE IT!! It’s the first song that I remember falling in love with, the first song I remember wanting to hear over and over again and I was like 4 or 5 years old.

So today on my walk to work I was coming up on the super sax guy that I wrote about a few weeks back (First and Seneca – April 5). I was sort of scoping him out, just seeing what this guy at rest was all about. It looked like he was trying to come up with something to play, and just as I walked by… He played the first four notes of Sir Duke! I just started laughing. And on the headphones? P.J. Harvey singing “Perfect Day”.

She could be right. I’m not going to push it, but she could be right. Thanks Peej, thanks Stevie, thanks super sax hero down on 1st Ave.

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