There are days when I need to suppress the urge to jump up on my desk, do a little dance and sing a song of my own design to everyone around. On some days, there is also the desire to rip off articles of clothing as well.
By “suppress the urge” I mean that I have to get up and walk away from my desk or there is a real danger that I will not be able to help myself.
It’s not all for the attention by the way, I have this uncontrollable urge to make people’s lives, particularly people trapped in this sort of soul crushing cube farm environment, just a little surreal. I feel it is my duty.
And truth be told, I enjoy having the sort of reputation of being a little disturbed, a little unpredictable.
Plus, I do have a hard on for the sound of laughter.
Thanks for listening, I feel better. And yes, I will put my pants on now.
By the way, here is the winner of Billy Cleans His Plate’s inaugural “Holy Shit” award:

I think it would be the grandest thing in the world to be given the opportunity to work along side you. Granted, I am particularly stoked that you and I make asslove, err... I mean "are friends".
And BTW, that shark photo rules... unless of course, you happen to be the thing in her mouth.
That last post was absolutely definately not written by me.
nor me..
but i like how the shark was referred to as a "her." who can determine the sex of a shark midflight?
dad, is that you?
also, i would like to chime in on my dad's comment that it must be the grandest thing to work alongside billy.
dear dad, it's true!
especially the throwing things and acrobatics and getting sexually assaulted while standing in front of the fax machine. and if you think working with billy is nice, imagine billy and bethy!
And the office spankings!!!!
alas.. no more.
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