Thursday, October 06, 2005

F is For...

“Seriously, what are you doing?”
“See that guy, that’s how you’re supposed to dress.”
“Why would anybody care about this?”
“Nobody loves you, they just put up with you.”
“Talentless hack!”

These are voices that I hear all the time; sitting at a desk and staring at a blank computer screen, walking down the street, lying in bed and trying to get to sleep. Oh yeah, especially at night those voices come creeping.

I can usually drown them out with thoughts of money woes, but that’s just as fucking useless. So I try to drown all of it out with dirty sex fantasies.

But what’s the point? I’m assuming most people have these negative little fucker monkeys living in their brains, but why? Is it some sort of cosmic testing ground where your success can be measured on how you react to these things? Either you become paralyzed by your own fear of failure, or you’re spurned on to show ‘em they’re wrong?

I cannot answer this, therefore I fail again. What I can tell you, is that I think I’ve finally grown tired of hearing it.

That, and that the hamburger in this lunch I made is friggin gristle-tastic. Gross!


Anonymous said...

this makes me very, very sad.

Anonymous said...

I know, I get all bummed when my hamburger/rice dish turns out all gross.

Anonymous said...

The voice in my head isn't very understanding. It hates people a lot more than I do, and talk about judgmental. Wheew. I don't know why I listen.