Thursday, May 12, 2005


I’m tired. I’m wrapped in a fuzzy carpet of sleepy-time tired. I’m dog (and tired cat) tired. I’m John Lennon singing one of my favorite Beatles songs, “I’m So Tired”, tired.

I feel like my nose is 112 pounds and dragging my head down. If I focus too long on one thing, I start to nod off.

It could be because I ate enough sugar to run three 5 year old soccer teams through all day weekend games before I went to bed last night, but that would be admitting fault of my own. Let’s blame the weather – it’s overcast and gray, sure to make me feel sleepy.

This kind of tired totally reminds me of being in second period Physics class senior year (when I bothered to show up). My head would bob so often I’m sure Mr. Dempsey assumed that I was emphatically agreeing with him. To stay awake I would doodle on the desk – usually the Bauhaus logo of the square face inside the circle – and dream about the bag of skunky Humboldt buds waiting in a coffee can in the trunk of my car.


Anonymous said...

I kind-of hate how that crappy 80s band appropriated the logo of such an innovative school--the essential founders of modern graphic design.

Not so much that they play bad music, as that they play music that I find bad.

Anonymous said...

Man, you are so lucky it is not 1989, I would challenge you to a design geek v. goth boy roller derby to the death.