Thursday, December 08, 2005

Haiku and Desire

Morning iced puddles
George Michael sings in my head
What a day to live

I have the strongest craving for French bread pizza (or FBP as the kids are calling it these days). And I mean like a big ol’ slab of French bread with sauce, cheese and sausage.

Bright, winter sunshine
Through the gooey, head trip toy
Paints red my cube walls

Rolling around naked, on a train moving quickly through a snowy landscape, sounds like an awesome time!

Office Holiday
Shamed by co-workers as I
Hate Secret Santa

I wish I could go back in time and avoid myself seeing the George Michael Faith video so many damn times. That song’s a lingerer, and I always felt a little uncomfortable at looking too long at his ass in those tight jeans.

Found a good use for
The Flaming Fist of Praha
Whiners on the phone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it sassafrass harassment to assess the sassy asses?