Monday, October 03, 2005

Feel The Newness

I’m starting a new position today at the old jobby job, and I’m feeling a little discombobulated.

I don’t want to be a baby about it, but sitting in new cubicle always throws my day off. As much as I hate to think so, I’m a creature of habit, and when that habit is thrown out of whack I either fly or I hunker down.

Usually, if I’m unchained by obligations, I look at the break in habit as an adventure, a chance for something completely unexpected. Unfortunately, I am unable to thrust that sickeningly positive frame of mind onto work situations.

The secret of my “success” in being able to work these sort of soul crushing jobs is to find the habit and wrap yourself in the routine like a heavy blanket. This allows me to function on auto pilot; if I started to think, I would realize that my life is ticking away a customer call at a time under this awful fluorescent glare.

Anyway… Hoping to be used to the new cube tomorrow where I will be back to full power and full creamy goodness!


Anonymous said...

if you like, i can fedex my beanie baby collection to you stat to make your cubicle feel more comfy.


Anonymous said...

That is super sweet. I don't need the whole collection, but I'll take the Beanie Komodo Dragon.

Anonymous said...

if you like i can also send you the beanie castle and the beaniebago.

Anonymous said...

Please yes! And just 'cause you got it, I'd really like the Beanie Shriner's Parade.


Anonymous said...

You need a motorcycle.

Anonymous said...

Yes, like I need a collection of beanie babies...