Ranting is not necessarily fun for the listener; unless it’s a crazy homeless guy doing the ranting and he talks really enthusiastically about the underground slave trade of corporate drug dealers using mass transit to traffic. There is a fine line between fun and scary, and a not so professional crazy “ranter” can sidestep fun faster than a big headed toddler will fall down. And some of these guys can use telephones…
There’s something bothering me, and I want to try to not get too histrionic about it, ‘cause that’s no fun. Bush is getting flack right now from the Christian Right, who can sidestep fun faster than a coke fiend can ramble, for having his Christmas card say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. The place I work for is also getting a large number of complaints regarding the same issue. There is apparently a holy mission to make this country ‘all God, all the time’.
So I’m just going to say this quickly as a means of venting:
Not everyone in this country is a Christian, fuckheads! As President of the United States, it might be important to be inclusive of EVERYONE and not just you judgmental, exclusive, hypocritical, self-righteous, holier-than-thou, shit eaters! P.S. Much like that whacky cult Scientology, your religion is also based on book some people consider outdated science fiction!
This sort of thing makes me so angry that my eyes fall out of my head and burst into fiestas of flaming glory. I often need eye replacement surgery. I’m on a list in major hospitals around the country.
And please, do not get me wrong, I am certainly not against religion or anti-Christian. I am against people taking what is a good set of ideas and perverting them to justify hatred, racism, self-aggrandizing and disregard for anyone who does not think the same way. The basic idea of love and be good to each other becomes fascism.
Okay, sorry everybody. Let’s all just settle down, it’s only Wednesday.
Song Stuck In My Head Right Now: At My Post by Grandaddy
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
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billy jean,
sorry to poo-poo on your parade, but don't you remember when the pc party got up on their high horses and started insisting that we all say happy holidays instead of merry christmas? isn't that kind of the same thing - without religion involved?
and don'tcha know that christmas is just a pagan ritual covered in jesus to keep the christians from killing us pagans?
let's just keep saying merry christmas and other un-pc things - that way the christians won't rise up and wipe out pagan and jewish communities again.
i don't particularly want to put the christ back in christmas myself, but i sure hate the hollow sound of "happy holidays".
kay bye
you got schoooooooooooled.
You make a great point there TP. And as I have noted before, the PC brigade are fascists in insidious, be-fair-to-everyone cloaks.
But my issue is primarily that the folks I have dealt with feel they are not allowed to say "Christmas" because corporations are forcing them to say "Happy Holidays". And then they get extremely self-righteous and say that their savior is the reason for the season.
As you pointed out, Christmas is borrowed from pagan winter holidays to make for an easier adjustment for new members to the club. And as it turns out, most biblical scholars and historians agree that Jesus was probably born in the Spring or early Summer. December 25th is not Jebus' birthday.
The 27th is mine however...
I'm not a fan of PC, but I do feel that with a President who governs a land made up of numerous religions, and with a corporation which services people of many religions as well (and whose founder is in fact Jewish) it just seems more inclusive to assume not everyone celebrates Christmas.
Way longer than I wanted it to be. You're hot!
Couldn't you go the same route for Halloween?
I'm putting up an Xmas tree, cause I believe in X.
I think you should suggest that to your Jewish overlord (and by overlord I do mean "overlord") - instead of Happy Holidays just say Happy Xmas and people can replace the "X" with whatever they want to in their heads! Or on their cups. Or their boobs. You know, whatever.
Did I tell you I'm Jewish?
You're hot, too. Wanna make out?
These same right wingers want to abolish Halloween. Essentially, I personally don't care if people tell me "Merry Christmas" or "Go Fuck A Lit Plastic Tree", I'm easy. I get upset by people pushing religion (and that does go with PC as well). I'm just a little more aggravated by the fact that I have to suffer this bullshit at work.
You did tell me you're Jewish, and I do wanna make out!
sorry to hear about your eyeballs, billy.
also: i owe you a phone call serenade. my tony orlando catalog is of the hizz of late.
I like smiling while I say, “Have a Merry . . .” or “Have a Happy . . .” letting the sentence trail off as if I’m not sure what to say. Then I give the finger and smile a little broader.
I’ve only done it twice, but it gets a great reaction.
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