Thursday, December 22, 2005

Still Laughs At Fart Jokes

I have the mind of a five year old sometimes. Really asinine and immature jokes still make me nearly pee myself.

Example one, a headline today that reads: Scientists Find More Rings Around Uranus. That joke never gets old.

Up here in rain city, we have a burger place called Dick’s, it was immortalized in a Sir Mix-A-Lot song. We live right around the corner from said Dick’s. They are not good hamburgers, but they’re in an old fashioned walk up stand and they're open till like 2am for the drunkards needing bad fast food.

But, example two of why my mind is like that of a pre-pubescent: 2 guys were talking about their fast food habit, and this is how the story went (without a hint of irony):

“I love me some Dick’s”

“I used to eat Dick’s every night.”

“I could definitely do that.”

“Now I only eat Dick’s about once a week.”

I did shoot coffee out of my nose when I heard this. Nobody else seemed to notice why this was so effing hilarious though. I guess they mentally aged past 7th grade.


Anonymous said...

They could have just been gay...

mandy said...

i like dicks too, but its just so bad for a girl like me.

Anonymous said...

fuck, at least they didn't say, 'it really burns when i shit out Dicks.."